How to build an underground storm shelter

If you live in an area with frequent hurricanes or typhoons, building a storm shelter can provide an added sense of security during inclement weather. Installing one is a major decision, as it is not something that is used frequently, and can be a significant expense. Homeowners can choose from a wide range of storm shelter options, ranging from above-ground pre-built rooms to in-ground custom made structures.

An above-ground unit, also known as a “safe room,” is typically installed in a garage or basement. However, it can be built on a concrete foundation that is separate from the home.

An in-ground shelter involves a more complicated and costly installation process, as the ground must be prepared beforehand. Furthermore, homeowners must decide whether they prefer a pre-made shelter that is manufactured by a certified vendor, or a unit that is custom built based on their specifications. All of these important factors have a direct impact on the cost of installing a new storm shelter.

With today’s unstable climate, the weather is changing rapidly and can hit with a surprising power, leaving destruction in its wake. Some countries and continents are more prone to disastrous events, storms, hurricanes, flash floods, etc. and people in these areas should be much more concerned with their family’s (and their own) safety. Many people in the typhoon vulnerable arias build their own home shelters and this trend has been on the rise within the last couple of years.


There are basically two types of shelters – above ground (or ground level) and underground. For either of these there are some specific conditions. For example, you should not build an underground shelter in a flood area. On the other hand, if the area is safe from floods or ocean tides (including tsunamis), then you’re good to build underground.


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